Hi, thanks for this excellent article in a subject that is way overlooked in computer science, at least to me. I would add two points to the discussion:
1. I always saw naming as conflicting in code writing because coders are usually focused on very specific problems that require mathematical, local thinking (what I learned in psychology as the one processed on the "left side" of the brain) versus the "bird's eye view" and general abstracting ability to tell one thing from another (this one from the "right side" of the brain). This would be a possible explanation beyond "sheer laziness" for why there are usually so many names on normal codebases that are not useful: it is harder (it would still be laziness though). Some developers may even be harsher impacted by this "difficulty" and be drawn to think that caring too much about naming is caring too much of a "human science-y" thing, undeserved of their mathematically-driven brain that would be better used by optimising microseconds of an operation.
2. Language (mainly English as all codebases I've ever dealt with always at least attempted at doing everything in English): How much of naming conventions are uneven or crossed by lack of knowledge in English itself? I observed in my decades of programming that sometimes a coder (especially a native speaker of English) uses very specific words like Uncle Bob's "Marshaller", which has a rich and specific meaning but many people with less knowledge of English will just think of it as a snob version of something generic, like "controller" (thus losing information on the name), and on their turn, they will use the most generic names you can think of ("data", "type", "processing") just because they cannot explain with this degree of richness (and shortly) what the structure is or does. I work in Germany and, although in all companies I've worked here everybody used English to communicate and code, many coders I've met always spoke a mid-level "Business English" that may not include the ability to write or understand things like "Marshaller".