I will nitpick a bit here, with all due respect to the main point of the article which I think it is valid independently of this.
I believe that the point 1 highlighted above possibly conflicts with the points 3 and 5 from the same list. Code that is "more abstract" always runs the risk of being less readable. Also, when you "do more in less lines of code" you may be ending with less readable structures too if you are not very careful.
Of course, the conflicts pointed are solvable, I just wanted to point out that everything has a cost. Most programmers I know of dream of coming up with crazy one-line abstractions that make you look like a superhuman and blow minds away, but in the end of the day super clever abstractions may just as well end up in the garbage if they are not maintainable, as pointed out so many times by Uncle Bob, Robert Martin and many others that advocate for clean code.